Zulfiqaar(Hazrat Ali’s sword) Killing More Men in Fair Combat Than Any Sword in History

It had once belonged to an Infidel/Kaffir by the name of Munabba bin Hajaj. This man had been killed at the Battle of Badr, and the sword had come to the Muslims as part of the spoils of war. The Prophet (PBUH) had taken the sword for himself and only passed to Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib at Khyber

Now in Hazrat Ali’s hand this was to become the most famous sword in Islam, killing more men in fair combat than any sword in history. This was the “Zulfiqar” .
According to the traditions it was a sword with a split blade at the tip, in other words it was forked blade for the first section.
It was also unnusual for the time Because most Arabian swords of that Period were actually straight Blades.
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