Dr Aamir Liaquat Husain is a true legend of this present age. A man of many qualities, prominent scholar who possesses a pleasing disposition, veteran journalist whose name becomes synonymous with truthfulness and bravery in the field of journalism, prolific columnist whose articles inspire his readers, a famous Naat khuwan whom Allah Almighty gifted a melodious voice.
But above all he is a learned person and a true lover of Prophet Mohemmed (SAWW) and even his adversaries acknowledged this fact. Besides, he is a brilliant spokesman and author of high caliber. He possesses a unique style in speech and his writing depicts his boldness and assertiveness. He is a living example of Iqbal s Deeda wer (a perceptive or knowledgeable person)
His contribution both to electronic and print media is immense. Almost every popular scholar has participated in the world famous program “Aalam aur aalim” formerly known as “Aalim online“which he has been hosting for the last eleven years. When he appears on television screen or in a public gathering, thousands of people gathers to listen; no one likes to go away from their television screens and remain glued on their places when he speaks.
Despite being son of late Sheikh Liaquat Husain, who was a renowned political and social figure and late Ghousia Mehmooda Sultana, who was an activist of freedom movement and first female columnist of the country, Dr Aamir Liaquat Husain has earned his present status on merit.
Born in Karachi the city of lights, on July 5, 1972, he did his early schooling in his native city. He studied at MBBS Liaquat Medical College.
Besides his studies, he also took part in extracurricular activities. As an intellectual, writer and orator, he was widely acknowledged. During his student days he became an icon of debating fraternity, winning the “Best debater of Asia award” bestowed by the International Youth Congress, United Nation.
In addition he was declared “Best debater of Pakistan” (eight times), “Best debater of Sindh” (thrice) and “Best debater of Karachi” (seventeen times)
After having gained reputation as an orator, he wanted to exhibit his writing skills, for this purpose he chose journalism for the accomplishment of his aspirations. He was groomed to be a journalist; journalism runs in his blood because he has a wealthy journalistic family background so he decided to quit medical education and joined the field of journalism.
In the beginning of his career, he learnt a lot from his beloved mother. Surprisingly mother and son, have so much in common; a delightful sense of humor, a fierce family loyalty, a concern for the country, endless vitality and a constant air of confidence no matter how great the offs or the pressures.
In the late 90’s he started column writing and soon he became a leading Urdu columnist. He is one of the few columnists whose writings inspire their readers. For Urdu lovers of the country he become a great source of ideological power, a symbol of revolt and differ and love for humanity.
Identifying himself with the masses of the poor and exploited, Dr Aamir Liaquat Husain made him known as an opponent of oppression and wrote compassionately of the human aspiration for their basic rights. Advocating “A Moderate Humanistic Ideology” he passionately championed social causes.
He suffered many setbacks during his career but he never compromised with the circumstances and proved successfully that how a man can work under immense pressure.
In the mirror of his columns, he looks like a spokesperson for voiceless and suffering people of homeland. At one hand, he wrote on political issues of the country, at the other hand, he raised his voice against those who violated humanistic values.
At one side, he unveiled extremist face of those elements who wrongly interpret Islam before global community, at the other side; he exposed double standards of this Hippocratic society.
He is an author of high caliber. He wrote many books. Recently his finest work came in public; titled “Hamari maan khadeja (RA)” It is a biography of Syeda Khadeja Tul Kubra (RA) the first wife of Prophet Mohemmed (SAWW) and first mother of believers as well.
Being Islamic scholar his columns are regularly part of prominent publications such as his column in Daily Jang with the title of “Loud Speaker” on every Friday and Monday.
His publications are also helping students of Islamic studies and masses to increase their knowledge. His newspaper columns that appeared in “Daily Jang” for the last two years have been published in book form, titled “Loud Speaker”. His book about the signs of Judgment Day, titled “Aasar-e-Qayamat” is another mile stone.
He said in an interview that he learnt so much from column writing. What he learnt from column writing? He explains it in poetic style of Faiz Ahmed Faiz , the greatest Urdu poet of recent past:
“I learnt the meaning of despair and frustration,
Of suffering and pain,
I learnt to understand the afflictions of downtrodden,
I learnt the meaning of chill sighs, of livid faces.
Wherever sitting weep those helpless ones whose tears,
flowering in their eyes, fall asleep or eagles
pounce on the morsels of the feeble one s
As they come spreading their wings, hovering,
Wherever the workman s flesh is sold in the market,
The blood of poor flows on the highroads,
something like a fire that is always in my breast mount up,
do not ask! No control over my heart is left to me.”
Besides print media, his other identity is electronic media. He started his career in Geo TV Network as first news caster and subsequently became the channel s leading Anchor and Host.
Soon he became an eminent figure of electronic media. As he has strong religious inclination, so he began to host a religious Program, named “Aalim Online”, it revolutionized religious programming in the region and proved to be a record breaking program of its kind. It also became the identity of Dr Aamir Liaquat Husain. His emergence as one of few most distinguished scholars of his time indicates that he has mature head upon his young shoulders. Through this program he resolved the problems of masses. Perhaps the most astonishing characteristic of his intellect is the combination of idealism and realism which enabled him to find out the root causes of social evils. In the beginning, two scholars were invited on the show; belonging from two major schools of thought, he said that the reason behind doing this program is:
“My aim is not to satisfy the people, because I know that the answer of a Sunni scholar will never satisfy that member of Shia community or vice a versa. My aim is to bring people closer and to reduce their hatred for one another.”
Indeed he tried to bridge the gap and succeeded to bring both the sects closer and Aalim Online became a symbol of love, peace and harmony.
Through TV screen, Dr Aamir’s speeches reached a vast audience and with the passage of time, his popularity and dominion of speaking landscape have undisputed in rest of the country.
Due to his intelligent and selfless services to the people, he truly became a prominent public figure and climbed the up the ladder to become the member of National Assembly in 2002.
In 2004 he joined Federal Cabinet as Minister of State for religious affairs. As Minister of State for religious affairs, he did his level best for mutual understanding among different religions and worked hard for good relations among the different Islamic schools of thoughts.
2005 was the most mournful year of his life when his beloved mother passed away. Expressing his feelings on that mournful occasion, he says:
“I still remember her last 48 hours when she asked for pen and paper and wrote: “My children! I am leaving all of you; pray for me, good bye”
It was her last wish that she may be laid to rest in the premises of mausoleum of Hazrat Abdullah Shah Ghazi in Karachi. Allah Almighty enabled me to fulfill my mother s last wish.”
Putting aside the grief of his personal loss, he set up a welfare foundation after the name of his mother. The prime objective for the establishment of “Mehmooda Sultana Foundation Trust” is to address the grievances of deserving people and to extend financial aid to the needy persons.
In 2007 he resigned from Federal Cabinet while his career was on his peak. When British government awarded Devil Rushdie; the title of Knighthood and government of Pakistan remained silent and when bloodbath occurred in Lal Masjid (Red Mosque) situated in Federal Capital, he lost his patience and decided not only to step down as Federal Minister but also as National Assembly member.
His resignation from cabinet was reported in banner headlines on the front pages of newspapers not only in Pakistan but abroad as well.
Regarding the reason of his resignation he says, “The main turning point for me was the issue concerning Devil Rushdi who was awarded knighthood by the British queen. As a minister for religious affairs and as a Muslim, it was my primary duty to condemn this act. I am proud of the fact that I did my duty and vigorously condemned Devil Rushdi and those who wanted to confer knighthood upon him. Our own government officials who were under intense pressure from abroad, urged me to deny the statements that I had made in condemnation of Rushdi and his supporters. But instead of doing so, I thought it is better to resign, not only from the cabinet, but also from the assembly because, it too could do nothing practical on this issue”.
“Another point of difference with the government was related to Lal Masjid issue. I still believe and I shall continue to believe that whatever happened there was absolutely wrong. It was not a small incident. It will have grave and horrible consequences in the long run. I could not remain a part of such a government.”
Later he devoted himself for religious and literary activities. He served more than eight years in GEO TV Networks but a point came where he had to leave the organization.
Leaving such long association was indeed a painful step for him, he says “The times in your life come when you have to take certain tough decision which breaks your heart but at the same time these steps have to be taken because the codes and principles are far more important than any materialistic thing in the world. And this is what happened, either I had to follow my codes and principles and to quit the organization or I had to compromise them and remain in the organization. But I chose the former, though it was not an easy task as some people believe GEO has given me name and fame and this is what I always regard but this time I give preference to my morality and rules which I have drawn keeping in my mind what my Allah (swt) and my religion says.”
He had joined ARY Networks as Managing director of QTV, the first and most popular Islamic channel of Pakistan and as Executive Director of ARY Digital. He continued doing his religious program with the name of “Aalim Aur Aalam” on ARY Networks.
This program focused on religious and social issues at a same time. After working for two years in ARY Network, Geo TV Network gets him back to the channel in 2012, where he executed the Record Breaking Transmission in Ramazan i.e. “Pehchan Ramazan”, the transmission grasped the hearts of Million people, not only within the Pakistan, but also on International level.
The New York Times admired his beyond the belief capabilities and regard him as “A Superstar Televangelist in Pakistan”, and “Pakistan’s Premier Televangelist”, the article also excerpted that “Mr. Husain is a Broadcasting sensation of Pakistan”.
In recent times, he is doing a religious program “Aalam Aur Aalim”, and a special transmission “Jummah Kareem” on Geo TV Network, through which he is satisfying people’s queries and trying hard to clear the actual concept of Islam and to get all the sects close to each other. He is being playing a astonishing role for the last 12 Years to demolish the discrimination among the Muslims on the basis of different sects.
On the other side, he is constantly working for the betterment of the adverse people. His foundation has launched their mega project “Choolah Ghar” this year, where those deprived and unfortunate people are being facilitated with Free Gas, who does not have Gas facility. Except this, the Mehmooda Sultana Foundation (MSF) is supplying food packs to poor people in different hospitals on daily basis.
Family of Dr Aamir Liaquat Husain is also a very important part of the team. His wife Bushra Aamir is also playing an important role as a Production Head of Geo Television Network. They have a son Ahmed and daughter Dua.
Dr Aamir Liaquat Husain has again broken all previous records of Television programs. His Live programs on major Islamic events i.e. Geo Ishq Mein Nabi Kay (Meelad un Nabi Salla Allahu alaihi wa’alihi wasallam), Sue Muntaha Woh Chaly Nabi Salla Allahu alaihi wa’alihi wasallam (Shab-e-Mairaj) and Lailatul Mubarakah (Shab-e-Bara’t) have gained highest record ratings in the media industry.
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